Monday, March 2, 2009

Welcome to 20 OHMS!

What exactly is 20 OHMS? The answer starts with another question: What is T2? If you don't know the answer to that question, you can read all about it here:

Now that you've discovered what T2 is all about, I'll tell you what 20 OHMS is. We are a CAM International discipleship ministry team based in central Mexico. We currently are comprised of the O'Brien, Hower, McManus and Smith families. That's where we got our idea for "OHMS." If you'll add our 12 children to the 8 parents, that explains the "20."

Have you wondered yet what we'll do to our team and blog name, if we have any more children in our families? I just want to tell you, we have too! Of course, it's easy to add 21, 22 or 23 OHMS is an easy fix. 25 OHMS means someone is going to have to get a bigger house and car! As long as the number doesn't go down, we should be in good shape.

There is a connection (so to speak) between an electrical term for resistance and our walk with Christ. We're called in James 4:7 to "resist the devil" so that he will flee from us. Jesus also talked about being filled with light and placing lights in strategic locations (such as...on a hill or NOT under a bushel or basket) in order to illuminate the surrounding area. These are excellent connections to make for 20 OHMS as we seek to not just be hearers of the Word, but doers as well.

It's interesting that the Greek letter for "omega" is also the electrical symbol for "ohms." Jesus, the Lord God, calls himself the "the Alpha and the Omega - the beginning and the end," in Revelation 1:8. Thus, we included what perhaps is a subtle reference to this in our blog banner. You probably noticed that already.

Apart from symbols and names and interesting stuff like that, we want to invite you into our very real lives and ministries. We are real people and real missionaries which means we have real challenges, real failures, and in Christ, real victories.

Thanks for checking out our new blog and we hope you'll come back again and again to join us in our journey together. We'll be introducing ourselves over time. Our ministry blogs are linked to on the sidebar so feel free to surf away to those locations any time.

Now, let's light our world with Jesus Christ! He is truly the one and only Light of the world. From the families of 20 OHMS we ask today that God may grant you grace and peace in Jesus Christ!


  1. You are amazing...let's see you add a few more things to that full plate! I have you bookmarked so I can check in every once in a while!

  2. Looks great, Alan! Thanks for your work on this. I like your intro post. We'll be in touch.

  3. Seriously, did you really come up with this idea or did CAM send down the memo to be more creative? Your fans in Easley.

  4. LOL...I hate to admit it but we as a team were struggling to come up with a name for our team and blog. My mind was still working on the topic in my sleep and believe it or not, I woke up with this idea. We all liked it so. Hey...I get a lot done even in my sleep...I think I'll go take a nap and get back to work! lol
